Awww...This is a really nice website. Check out the music videos but get a tissue first.
It really amazes me how just incredibly caring some Americans are... And some aren't...
I went to my class tonight (it's a class for being a substitute teacher). We did an activity to divide us into groups. Instead of just calling out numbers and splitting off we had to line up according to our response to a question. Strongly agree to the right, neither agree or disagree in the middle and strongly disagree to the left. The question was do you support the war in Iraq. You don't have to know me very well to know where I was...nor is that my point. I only mention this because I was amazed who was standing near me and who wasn't. I take this class off post in a town near the post where I live. We have a variety of students in the class. Young old, Hawaiian locals, military spouses, mostly women only two men, about 20 total students. When we finished lining up (remember we are only about 10 miles from an Army post and 15 miles from Pearl Harbor) four people were on the right with me at the front of the line of course then about five in the middle and the rest towards the left. I was surprised to see another military spouse in the middle and another towards the left. I didn't say a word though I just got in my group and did our lesson but the thought that kept going through my head was how nice it is that because of my husband and other soldiers like him those on the left didn't get imprisoned or killed for voicing their opinion in public. I don't know about them but I kinda like living in a country where I feel safe. I am relatively sure my home won't be bombed in the near future, I fly on airplanes with confidence I can thank the President and soldiers for that security. I think some people take freedom for granted and then criticize those that gave them the gift in the first place. Someone sent me an email today. The quote at the bottom said: "If you can read this thank, a teacher. If you are reading it in English thank a soldier" hmmm I like it! So thank you Mom and thank you too Jack!
oh and I must mention my friend Rachel not sure why... She's neither a teacher nor a soldier but... faithful reader of my blog and fellow soldier's wife so I sent her a huggle. ha