Wednesday, June 21, 2006


I have been a blogger for a whole year! I don't post as often as Jack but I am still here and enjoying posting a little more often. Alot has happened in a year. We had issues with NewOrleans Recruiting Command and crazy landlords, survived a hurricane, evacuations and relatives, then moved to Hawaii just to get ready for Jack to go to war. What a year! In the year ahead we are looking forward to having our first visitor since we moved here. My dad is visiting in July. Yipee! Our middle child will start kindergarten at the end of July. She is really excited and truthfully so am I. Can't wait for the million questions a day to stop. Anyone with a five yr old can relate. (How come everyone doesn't have a mommy? They do. Well Lilo doesn't! - How does the moon stay in the sky? Can we trade in the bunny for a puppy?) After awhile I get lazy and say "i just don't know" I feel guilty when I say it though. I imagine her as this little sponge trying to soak in all this knowledge and I am just plum out of it at the moment. Maybe I should start doing crossword puzzles or somthing cuz I just don't have all the answers all the time. She makes my brain hurt.
But I digress, we are not so looking forward to some other things. Our oldest daughter starting High school. Yikes! And Jack going to the desert. Knowing that he'll be happy doing what he loves to do is comforting to an extent but life will be lonely here with no adult conversation to look forward to at the end of the day. 14 months is a long time. I'll miss him. The girls will miss him too. Maybe some of Jack's family will come visit while he's gone...STEVEN???KATY??? DAVE??? this means YOU!!! Please come visit when you can. We miss you and love you!


Blogger Katy said...

HMMMMMMM.....maybe I can win the lottery. Ah crap, that means I have to play. I want to come visit, does that count? I love you and miss you bunches. I want to see where you live and see the girls and go have lunch and maybe a pedicure. I want to hang out with family that actually wants to be family. Big hugs and kisses.
Oh yes and be thankful your Mom wants to be involved....way better then the alternative like Tom and I have.

6:03 AM, June 25, 2006  
Blogger Katy said...

Oh and Happy Blog Birthday.

6:03 AM, June 25, 2006  
Blogger Barb said...

Happy Blog Birthday! Sorry I'm late :-(

Wish I was headed to Hawaii - I'd love to see Oahu, never been there (except changing planes once). I guess being on an island is a bit different in travel stuff, since we can't just hop in a car and driver over ;-) I hope you enjoy your visit with your Dad -- I miss mine a bunch. You'll survive all the stuff, just hope you keep your sanity!

6:05 PM, June 25, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jill!
Talked to Dad yesterday and he's really looking forward to seeing you! we were hoping to visit him this weekend but with Doug and Mike just back from their Guatamala mission trip, I forgot we told the Sobins we would visit them this weekend. I guess we'll see Dad when he gets back from the Philippines. Have a wonderful time. He's a great Dad. We'll be praying for Tom's safety (and your sanity! -- that's a joke -- you mentioned the million questions from five year olds and a child starting highschool..) 14 months IS a long time... you are such a great mom and wife and sister and daughter... of course we know you can handle it, but it can't be as easy as you make it look ... you're great.

3:47 AM, July 08, 2006  
Blogger Katy said...

uhm....when are you going to have something new to say?

9:41 AM, July 25, 2006  
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3:33 PM, November 29, 2006  

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